STM32CubeIDE can be downloaded here.


Importing a template

Import the template ZIP archive into the workspace.


Untick the hal project when using the leguan template.

Give the project a sensible name and rebuild the index.


There cannot be multiple projects sharing the same name. Therefore, be sure to close the HAL subproject of the leguan template.


Click the hammer icon to build your project. If the compiler throws an error, open the Errors tab and double [left click] the messages to jump to error source.


The error does not always originate from the line the compiler tells you. This applies in particular to missing ;, { or macros).


Press [CTRL] + [space] for autocompletion while typing.


Go to declaration

Open function/type declaration and include by [left click] and holding [CTRL]



Start debug session

Start the debug session by clicking the bug icon. On the first start you will be asked to set up the hardware debugger.


The leguan board features a SEGGER J-Link while ST Nucleo boards use an ST-Link.


There are three manual step operations:
  1. Step over ([F5]) a function

  2. Step into ([F6]) a function

  3. Step out of ([F7]) a function

../_images/cubeide_debug_step_over.gif ../_images/cubeide_debug_step_into.gif

Run and break

You can halt a program on a specific line by double [left click] on the left to the line number (break points are marked by a blue dot).

Click Resume ([F8]) to run the program until a breakpoint is reached.


Use Reset chip [..] to start the program from the beginning.

Inspecting variables and registers

Use breakpoints and/or manual step operations to halt the program in the area of interest. Local variables are displayed in the Variable tab or when hovering the cursor over the variable name.


Yellow cells denote a change since the last halt.

You can inspect CPU and special function registers in the Registers and SFR tabs respectively.


The SRF view show individual bits, documentation and values in multiple numeral systems.

Code changes while debugging

If you edit code in an active debug session, you will need to recompile the program and restart the debug session.


If the compiler tells you Errors exist in the active configuration of project “[xy]”. Proceed with launch?, do not proceed and fix the errors instead.

End debug session

Stop the debug session and go back to the editor view.
